MidiBox Sid Update

I’m still working on my MB Sid, I haven’t abandoned it. In fact, I just ordered the front panel from Schaeffer Arbeitberau. (thier US counterpart anyway) I’m expecting that to arrive on about the 12th.

I’ve got myself another mini project to work on ’til then. I just ordered a Gakken SX-150 Synthesizer ‘Kit’. (That’s in qoutes because it’s a kit to the same extent that the toy that comes in a Happy Meal from McDonalds is a kit. No soldering involved.) I’m thinking about making a small analog sequencer for it, possibly adding a keyboard, and adding midi control. This will be a new experience for me becauses there is no place to order a kit for the sequencer or midi to cv converter. I’ll have to program the chips myself.

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