Paia Fatman

So I’ve been eyeballing the Fatman kit from Paia for quite a while now and finally bit the bullet and decided to order one. I didn’t want to just build the kit as it was intended, I want something special. So at the same time I ordered some 4U rack rails, a blank rack panel, and a midi keyboard kit from Doepfer. I’m gonna go all out with this synth. It’s gonna be old school as can be with a cherry stained wood case, 2 octave keyboard, and planty room for future mods.

So far I’ve got the basic Fatman kit almost completely built with the exception a couple mods that I want right off the bat and some of the modifications that are needed to connect to the doepfer keyboard. I want to be ab;e to easily remove the doepfer keybaord for troubleshooting purposes, which is something that I’m paying the price for not doing with my midibox sid.

This weekend I’m going to be building the case with a friend and hopefully very soon I will have some sound exemples from the Paia kit.

…So, I got the case finished. 95% anyway, there’s still a little panel I was gonna order from Front Panle Express. Although I’m considering orderng a second panel as well because as I discovered, my wood working skills leave alot to be desired. As such the blank rack panel didn’t fit as planned and I just have a wood panel in it’s place. Regardless, it still makes some awesome sounds.

I just finished a new track using my Fatman yesterday. Here it is:

Dream In Analog

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