On Sunday I put together the circuit for the optimized PSU for my Midibox Sid. Once I plugged it in…
This post is off the beaten path from my usual posts. Today, I’m gonna go out a make democracy happen….
Well, I got the C64 and extra Sid in the mail yesterday. Low and behold the Sid in the C64…
I’m gonna keep a running total of the costs associated with the Midibox Sid I’m building. Here’s how much everything…
So I’ve been considering options for a sythesizer based on the Sid chip of Commodore 64 fame for a few…
Yay! I fixed the RM1X I got off ebay, everything is working perfectly. It took me quite a bit more…
I just picked up a Yamaha RM1X on ebay. Unfortunately some of the buttons needed to be replaced, so it…
It’s rare that I finish two tracks in a week, let alone two in one day. This one is called…
Here’s something a little different. I playing around with Reaktor this morning and wrote this little ditty. It’s called ‘The…